Deutscher Zahnversicherungs-Service Zahnzusatztarife


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Do you have any questions?

There are more information missing, to make a decision? Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or use our contact form. We look forward to taking time for you and answer your questions.

Why do I need a dental insurance?

The services of the statutory health care have been reduced more and more in the last few years. As well in the dental sector. This leads to increasing share of total costs to bear by yourself. A good dental insurance reimburse up to 100% of your costs. So you won´t be stuck with the high costs.

What are the differences between the dental insurances?

Dental insurances are generally divided into 4 parts:

Dental prophylaxis
Dental treatment

In our main focus categories, we show you the suitable tariffs to every part – it doesn´t always have to be Premium. In the individual parts the tariffs of course have differences according to the services and the monthly insurance premiums. You can compare every tariff in our comparison calculator to find the best suitable tariff for you.

What does the statutory health care reimburses and what do I have to pay?

In general the statutory health care only reimburses for a Basic treatment, the regular care. That are for example amalgam fillings. High quality plastic fillings, Inlays and implants do not belong to the regular care.

The statutory health care pays a fixed allowance of 60% for dentures. This means that every insured person with the same dental diagnosis get the same reimbursement – no matter what you want or what your dentist recommend to you. The difference between the actual costs and the allowance from the statutory health care are the costs you have to pay on your own.

Even for dental prophylaxis you have to pay some costs on your own. This applies for example to periodontal diseases. The statutory health care only pays for it, if the periodontal pockets are deeper than 3.5 mm. If you get the disease treated at an early stage, the statutory health care do not pay for it. You have to pay for a professional teeth cleaning on your own as well, which is recommended 1-2 times a year by dentists. A dental insurance exactly covers up this costs for you.

I have one missing tooth – can I still take out a dental insurance?

Basically yes. There are a few tariffs that you can even take out when you have one or more missing teeth. Wisdom teeth and missing primary teeth do not count to that. Some tariffs exclude missing teeth from the insurance coverage, if there were missing before your application. Please indicate the true number of missing teeth in your dental status, so we can select those tariffs, that include insurance coverage for your missing teeth. Here you get more information about the handling with missing teeth.

What does a good dental insurance costs?

The costs of a dental insurance depend on the extent of services and the Age of the insured person. At a young age the costs are about 20 Euro per month for an All-Inclusive tariff. Older people pays for such a tariff between 35 and 50 Euro.

How can I submit my invoice for reimbursement?

The share of costs that get payed by the statutory health care are settled directly with the dentist. You will get an invoice for the additional costs from your dentist, that you can directly submit to the insurance company. The insurance company transfer you the reimbursement amount.

Most insurance companies got practical Apps for this. You only have to take a picture of your invoice, upload it and it will automatically transfer to the insurance company. As an alternative you can send your invoice by mail or post to the insurance company.

When has a dental or orthodontic treatment has been advised?

The beginning of a treatment is usually the first dental investigation or measure. This also applies if there is made a diagnosis or a treatment or a cost plan (HKP) and the medical required treatment will happen in the future.

According to the dental findings, there is a need for treatment. A dental treatment is advised, when a treatment is specifically planed and discussed according to the dental findings or is listed in a HKP. This means that a treatment is not advised when the dentist recognizes that existing or missing teeth don´t have to treated or replaced now or in the future. Further a treatment isn´s advised when the dentist suggests possible treatment options for example for a tooth with a filling, that is in need of treatment.

For Orthodontics: Your dentist gives you the advise that your child eventual needs braces. Is this an advised treatment? That depends on: Did your dentist only talk about what could happen at some point vaguely that is not predictable yet? Or has a tooth malposition already been diagnosed which will be followed by a orthodontic treatment.

In the case of a “promptly” use of the service, the insurance company could check when the insured event occurred. For this they will ask questions to the dentist or orthodontist. You should previously clarify if a treatment is already advised with your dentist and communicate that you have or want to take out a dental insurance.

How can a change my dental insurance?

There are several reasons for the change of your insurance. You can change from a tariff with only services for tooth conservation to an all-inclusive tariff to insure dentures as well. Furthermore the market is constantly changing and new tariffs are developed. We will of course inform you about new offers and support you eventually with a change to a better tariff, so that you are always up to date. We are your first contact for contribution increases as well.

Before you cancel your dental insurance, you should definitely observe the following aspects:

  1. Are you currently in a treatment or does your dentist has advised something? If yes, you should wait with changing the insurance til the treatment is finished.

  2. The change of your insurance often leads to new a waiting time. Some insurer dispense with the waiting times if you change from another insurer without a break. We inform you about the waiting times of all insurances and we look for the best offer for you.

  3. For the most insurances the minimum contract duration is between 1 to 2 years. There are dental insurances as well, that have a daily right of cancellation.

  4. You have an extraordinary right of cancellation, even during the minimum contract duration, if there is an increase in contribution. You can cancel your contract within 4 weeks after the contribution increase.

  5. Your existing dental insurance can be cancelled with a cancellation period of three month and beyond the minimum contract duration either at the calendar year or insurance year. We would like to help you with the cancellation of your dental insurances, of course only if the cancellation is really reasonable for you! Please use our contact form for this. Our Service center will contact you soon.

Is it right, that only the monthly contribution is important?

Not only the costs are an important criterion for searching a suitable dental insurance. More important are primarily the services and the reimbursement. Cheap tariffs are often inefficient and reimburse limited. Imagine if you have to pay 60-70% of the costs from your dentist on your own even though you have a dental insurance – the annoyance is bound to happen. So that this doesn´t happen we look together for a findings-oriented dental insurance with optimal services for you and your money purse.

Is it worth taking out a dental insurance over the age of 60?

More and more older people still got all of their teeth and also at a high age the tooth conservation is the first priority. Therefore it is worth taking out a dental insurance over the age of 60 as well, to make use of tooth conservation treatments and the professional dental cleaning. When it is about the “third teeth”, an anchored denture with implants is better than removable dentures. Here it is also worth taking out a dental insurance for dentures.

Do prosthesis wearer need a dental insurance?

Of course, for prosthesis users it is worth taking out a dental insurance as well. Prostheses don´t last forever and need to be replaced at some point. The conservation of the remaining teeth as a bridge pier and anchor is important for the removable prostheses. The dental insurance makes prevention and a optimal treatment with permanent dentures possible.

Can I get two implants immediately after take out the insurance?

Here also applies, that advised or started treatments are not insured. If your dentist already advised this treatment before you take out the insurance or create a treatment and cost plan, the implants aren´t included in the insurance coverage. Additionally you have to notice the waiting times before you can use the insurance services. Most dental insurances have a refund limitation in the first years of the insurance. Two implants would definitely exceed the maximum limit for reimbursement. Here you get more information about the refund limitation.

What does waiting times mean and how do they influence the insurance coverage?

Some dental insurances have waiting times from 3-8 month on average, where you can´t use the services. The waiting time starts from the date of signing the contract, so the date that is written on your insurance policy. Important: For every dental treatment that are done during the waiting time aren´t included in the insurance. There are of course good tariffs that don´t have waiting times. Here you get more information about waiting times and tariffs without waiting times.

Is it really important what I tick in the application form?

The questions in the application have to be answered correctly, to avoid service rejections later or even a cancellation. Right after the application it is often not noticeable but when you first submit a large reimbursement request the cheating with for example number of missing teeth is easy to notice. In such a case the insurance company can cancel your contract without notice because of your breach of duty of disclosure and don´t have to pay you the contribution back. If you have any questions about your application or if you aren´t quite your with the answers, please do not hesitate to contact us or use our contact form.

Do I need a dental report for the application?

No – usually you don´t need a dental report to take out a dental insurance. Of course you can ask your dentist for help with filling in your dental status.

Can I get an insurance if I am living abroad?

To take out a dental insurance you usually have to be member of a statutory health care. Some tariff also insure people are entitled to free medical care. If you go abroad in Europe while you have an insurance but stay a member of a statutory health care you would keep your insurance coverage.

Is the contribution for the dental insurance constant or does it increase over the years?

The insurance companies are constantly checking the costs for dental treatments. If the costs increase (for example laboratory costs), the insurer could customize the contribution to ensure a good insurance coverage for a long time. In general the contribution for a dental insurance increases with rising age – depending on the insurance every 5 or 10 years by a few cents. This only applies for dental tariffs without age reserve. Tariffs with age reserve have comparably higher contribution at a young age that doesn´t increase with rising age. Extraordinary contribution adjustments are never ruled out. Here your get more information about tariffs with and without age reserve.

When I change my statutory health care – Does this have any impacts on my dental insurance?

There are some dental tariffs that are connected to a specific statutory health insurance. We only mediate insurances that aren´t connected to a specific health care. You can choose your statutory health insurance regardless of your dental insurance.

What is the difference between calendar and insurance year?

The difference between a dental insurance by calendar year and tariffs by insurance year has an impact on the refund limitation in the first years. Most tariffs have a maximum limit for the reimbursement in the first 2-5 years of the insurance.

The insurance year begins from the date when you signed the contract and ends one year after this. The calendar year begins always on the first of January and ends on the 31 of December. It is independent from the date you take out the dental insurance.

Our advise: For a dental insurance with a refund limit by calendar year it is worth to take out the insurance til November or December. Then your first calendar year only last two or one month. From the beginning of the new year you can use the services up to the refund limitation for the second calendar year. So you don´t have to wait the whole calendar year but only two month to make use of a higher reimbursement.

How and when can a cancel my dental insurance?

A dental insurance usually has a minimum contract duration of 1-2 years. After this time you can cancel your contract at the calendar or insurance year in consideration of a three-month cancellation period. Some dental insurances can be cancelled daily after the minimum contract duration. Before you cancel your existing dental insurance please let us check if the cancellation is really useful for you. Please use our contact form or contact us by phone or e-Mail.



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